Comments on: PetSafe Stay & Play Wireless Pet Fence Doggy Dog World Sun, 03 Mar 2024 03:08:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Collin Acciaioli Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:58 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Love it

We were nervous to spend this much money on something we weren’t sure would work. As soon as we put it in our lab, it worked amazing. We did not even have to train her, she had her boundaries learned immediately. We have even forgotten her collar and she stays in the boundary. So far it is an excellent purchase.

By: C. Ellis Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:58 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Works well

I have a small dog, so it was a little harder to find a wireless unit that would work for us. It took a little bit of time to set it up and tweak it to my rectangular shaped yard, but once I got the hang of it, it went pretty quick. My dog was trained in 3 days and we haven’t had any issues at all with the unit. It has been about a month now and we’re really happy with the results.

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By: Millhouse Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:57 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Easy peasy

Not hard to set up at all took an hour that’s it hold the collar and walk until it beeps and stick a flag in the ground .. walk the dogs across the flags and introduce them to the beep but not to far so they get zapped . I’ve not had a escape yet and the dogs play outside all day now with no worries

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By: TB Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:56 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Easy set up, works as it should, good battery life.

Works like they say it should. Wish they made one that went up over 1 acre yards. I know I can buy two units, but my yard is almost a perfect 1.25 acre square and it’s not worth the extra cost to me.

By: elizabeth Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:55 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Just get it. It really works!

My Treeing Walker Coonhound got out of my house 4 times the week before I bought this. She kept running to the barn across the street.Well, all running off has ceased. Within ONE day she stopped running out of the yard. Took her about two days to understand her limits were the flags/collar beeps. She has not once passed her boundary and she can go outside with no leash/line at all. She loves to run around outside the house. She’s still a bit standoffish in some areas she can go but this wireless fence system has truly been a lifesaver and a life changing experience. I’m so so so glad I decided to try it. I think anyone without a fence should invest.

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By: KT Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:54 +0000 2.0 out of 5 stars

Shocked the pup out of bounds… and on his way back IN.

We did all of the steps – though I don’t feel it’s necessary. If a dog has EVER had a tone/vibrate/shock collar, they KNOW what is in store for them.The warning tones were not terribly consistent as far as where it happened in many of the locations. It definitely was more like an oval than a circle, which was fine I suppose. I had set it up so the dog had a good portion of the back and side yards… but very little in the front. We have 1/3 an acre and it covered most on 8+. It really did not like to go through the wall of our detached garage.It is RIDICULOUSLY EASY to install… Plug in, turn power on, set to extra + or normal – and then choose a circle size, 1 – 10… USB charge the collar, when it’s solid green you need to set the tone/shock and put it on your pup tight enough… flag or no flag, I don’t think a dog cares.. they just need to recognize the tone. This collar, as far as I can tell does NOT have a vibrate. So it’s Tone… fast Tone… and then Shock!!!I put the flags up… walked the dog around without the collar several times, with the collar on tone-only several times, rewarded for returning, etc. etc. Finally I felt he was more than ready… put it on shock level 2… knowing he is going to HAVE to be shocked several times before he is gonna understand – he is an incredibly stubborn beagle-schnauzer mix who was from a mill… so he is quite anxious, and would love to eat each and every bunny, bird, or cat and of course EVERY delivery driver to bits and pieces… and he will. Unless given a treat and then you are his BEST friend and he WILL hop in your vehicle for a lil ride. (I wish I was joking!!) However, it’s daily… the mailman is attacking our home Every. Single. Day according to our pup. /eye roll. So he is putting around… gets close to the border… sees a rabbit and TAKES OFF for it like I lit his tail on fire. BUT… he stopped short and FAST. he was whimpering and crying out. He had been shocked… he took the whole 15 seconds… and Would. Not. Come. Back. I get it… who would cross the invisible border that SHOCKED you, again?!?! No one… he is not stupid… but under the threat of a yelling Dad to get OUT of the street and COME HERE… he did finally… and guess what, he was rewarded with another shock.Now… here is where you have to make a decision…. Is your pup going to continue to cross… be shocked… and then sit in the road till you take it off… OR does your pup figure out the warning tone is before the shock and stop. I would have given it a few more tries/shocks. (I guess I am a bit more committed to the idea of keeping him in our yard, rather than roaming on his own?! We are out in very rural country land.) our dog is ridiculously smart (about some things) and ridiculously stubborn (or perhaps a bit dim!) about others… My husband was done after it shocked him coming back IN to the “safe circle” and wanted to return it, immediately! (I am pretty certain I purchased this one… as it was not suppose to do that… but I could be wrong. I don’t want to go back and look to see if it says it does or not.)Also note… the lil shocker dealios on the collar, they are NOT covered with the lil plastic piece that you generally see with these collars. (Maybe mine were just missing??) But that is why I started on a 2… I didn’t want to actually cause him physical harm or any burns or loss of hair. Normally I test on myself first… but I was being lazy. I wish I had now. 🙁 :(We are returning ours… it’s not a good fit… and as my husband said… Who the eff cares if he runs free… he’s a dog for fox sake and we are in the middle of almost nowhere! 😛

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By: Lisa Wool Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:53 +0000 4.0 out of 5 stars

It works but dog won’t even go outside now.

Okay, this is long but the truth! I’m having mixed feelings. It works but my dog is terrified to go outside now. Hopefully he will get used to it in a few more days. We did two weeks of training. First week was with the beep. Three problems with beep training. I could not hear the beeps. My dog didn’t act like he heard the beeps and also, the perimeter didn’t seem to be consistent with flags. Still doesn’t. Finally, I have to walk slumped over and very close to my dog to even hear the beep and that didn’t always work.Second week I started using the 1st shock which is number two setting. Still not hearing beeps very well and going slow, we would walk past the flag just a little and I had to subject my dog to the 1st setting of shock just to see when and if he reacted to it. He slightly reacted and thought a bug was biting him but didn’t care much as he led me on the leash through the perimeter and into the yard. It didn’t seem like it bothered him but kept training to that for the rest of the week. Finally, after two weeks, I let him out alone to see what he would do. He went right through the perimeter again so turned it up to 3. He did cry and freak out but kept going. I think he acted confused and just ran. Well, this dog loves to chase Deer and Birds. Especially AIRPLANES, as he thinks they are giant birds. He is a Pyrenees and Lab mix. He is a sweet dog but has a mind of his own when it comes to chasing these creatures out of our almost two acre yard. Also, he LOVES people and wants to roam the neighborhood while I’m busy inside or gone to work. We live almost half a mile from the highway and he has been reported lately by neighbors that he is getting close to that now, so, here we are with this system!Another problem I’m having is our house shape is long from side to side. His bathroom spot is to the kitchen side of the house out where no one goes and he has been doing his business over there for 6 years. Now he can’t go there. I am playing with the base as to where to move it frequently to find a good perimeter for him.So now we are in our third week. I have finally had to turn the collar up to 4 since I came home, only to find him missing again. It took me awhile to find him. He was at my father in laws house and wasn’t coming when I called him. Finally got him home and turned collar to 5!!! I played ball with him and stayed outside to see what he would do if he happened to cross the barrier. The ball rolled down the hill and he went right after it and got one heck of a shock. He cried and screamed and went crazy! Now he is afraid to go outside. I feel terrible after that reaction. I can’t even get him to follow along with a leash because he is so scared. We’re having a setback now and I will have to see what to do next. I guess I will try a few more days but this has NOT been easy like everyone reports. My husband thinks it cruel but it’s either get used to this and keep working on all settings or get hit on the highway.

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By: Carrie Hiltz Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:53 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Some of the best money I’ve ever spent!!!

I was really hesitant to get an electric fence, because I felt like it was mean, and wouldn’t work. And we tried the kind with a wire for our English Setter, which you have to burry and oh my god that was awful. It didn’t work at all, and the dumbest part of was that if he went past the boundary it would shock him when he came back! So we returned that awful contraption and had given up. But then we got a husky/German Shepard puppy, and letting them out became impossible. They would run all over the place and get into the neighbors compost, not to mention the the husky hates being indoors and would just whine all day wanting to go out. So we finally decided to try this wireless fence. We live close to a main road and have a lot of neighbors, and with two very energetic dogs that want to be playing outside with each other ALL day, we didn’t know what else to do.I was a little nervous/intimidated when we got the wireless fence in the mail, but the set up was really easy. I plugged in the base and took the collar out. The beeps to let you know when you’re getting close to the boundary line and nice and loud and easy to hear, unlike the beeps for the other fence we tried which were so faint you could barely here them at all.I set the fence up in the middle of winter, so the flags were really hard to see, because of all the snow. I read the whole training manual, but I didn’t end up following it. I walked the dogs around their perimeter a couple times on a leash, and then let them explore on their own. I started out using the short prongs and the lowest shock level for the husky puppy (who was 6 or 7 months when we got the fence). He went right through the barrier and didn’t seem to feel any correction, so I switched to the long prongs and turned the collar up to mid/high level. He only had to get shocked once. I felt really bad when it happened, and he was scared to go outside alone for a few days after, but we’ve had the fence system for several months, and he he understands the boundary now, and won’t go passed where he hears the beeps. The training situation was similar for our English Setter who is 4. We had to order a second collar for him, because the fence system only comes with one, and the first one we ordered took batteries, instead of the rechargeable one the fence came with, so I had to send that one back for a rechargeable one (because who wants to deal with batteries). So it ended up being a couple weeks before we were able to train the English Setter on the fence also. We were more worried about him, since he’s a bird hunting dog, and will take off after birds, and also because the first fence with the wire we had to bury didn’t work at all. He has short hair so we did the short prongs on his collar and set it to the mid/high level. He also got shocked once, and for about a week would only hangout in the middle of the backyard, but now he’s completely comfortable going outside. The dogs can go out together and play for hours and I don’t have to worry about them running off. People will walk by our house with their dogs and our dogs will just sit on the front lawn behind their boundary line and won’t go passed. My boyfriend can leave the house in his truck while they’re out there and they won’t try to follow him. Which really surprised me about the English Setter, because he used to take off after him all the time.In short, this fence system has been amazing for us. Our dogs are so much happier now that they can go outside and get exercise whenever they want. They get so excited when I put their collars on, because they know it means they get to go outside. I take their collars off when they come inside, and never leave them on overnight, and I haven’t noticed any type of irritation from the prongs. The collars last a couple weeks before they need to be charged. I charge them when I see the collar beep red, which only takes a couple hours. I can’t recommended this fence system highly enough.

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By: Keith B. Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:52 +0000 5.0 out of 5 stars

Wow, this works for my German Short-haired Pointer!

I’ve had my Pointer on the Pet-Safe system for one month. I’ve waited to review to make sure the system works. I was very skeptical before purchasing because my dog is highly active. Seems ADHD. When let to run free, he will always pick up a scent, and then he’s off for the running. Nothing will call him back! I will eventually get a call from the police in the nearby town, or the kennel just up the road. We are on ten acres, semi-rural, just within the city limits. Would love to just let him run. But?? Anyway, the Pet-Safe. I received the system about a month ago and will share my experiences.Day One: I set up the system, established the perimeter at the maximum range, white flagged….. I then put the Pet-Safe collar (at level 3) on the dog and walked him (his normal lunging from side to side) out to the perimeter. When approaching the perimeter, he would stop and just look around like “What is going on?”. I would return to the safe zone and then walk out to another flag at the perimeter. Same thing, “What is going on?”. Then return to the safe zone. We did the entire perimeter this way, and then called it a day.Day Two: I now set the level on the collar to 5. We did the perimeter walk the same way, but this time the collar got his attention and he would initiate the return to safe by himself. We made the entire perimeter with the same results. I decided to take a risk and let him run free, even though it was just day 2. He loved running free, and when nearing the perimeter, he would run back to me and sit there for a moment (while receiving praise and petting). I let him run for another twenty minutes with the same results. We called it a day.Day Three: I put the collar on him and let him run free. We enjoyed positive results and he never left the perimeter. I let him run for another half hour, then called it a day. I removed the Pet-Safe collar from him and went to turn the collar off. But, what I noticed was that I just now turned it on. Uh-Oh, I had neglected to turn the collar on when I put it on him. But, he had responded as though the collar were active. Wow, was I surprised. Trained by day three!?!This is a dog that could never be called back if he picked up a scent, which he always did. We now get to run free twice a day (usually), and have never had a failure. A few days ago, I pulled my flat bed trailer around to the back area of the property, well beyond the Pet-Safe perimeter. My dog followed and I wondered what would happen. He followed right along, but at the perimeter he immediately bolted back to the safe zone. Has done wonders for his disposition. I had to be trained too. I now make sure I’ve viewed the on/off status of the collar.I would like to comment on the system installation. The instructions mention that the system does not work well if installed near steel. My shop and all my outbuildings are covered with corrugated steel roofing and siding. I had to install this in my shop. Works fine and I’m achieving a consistent perimeter of a 150′ radius.

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By: E. Eldridge Sun, 09 Jul 2023 00:55:51 +0000 3.0 out of 5 stars

Works great until the warranty runs out

I purchased this with high hopes to avoid a wired fence for our new dog. This item worked great and the dog obeyed the boundaries. The problem was that about 15 months in, we started to get this clicking noise from the base. Very annoying. After emailing their support, we had to reduce the distance setting to prevent the clicking. Over time it has this problem and now the dog only has about 60% of the radius she had originally. The company would not replace the unit. Not sure if we will buy another base given that they aren’t cheap. Great concept, terrible manufacturing

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